Winter landscape
I like the image above because it transports me there. I could tell you what the cold feels like, what it smells like, what it sounds like, how it makes your soul feel because I have been there - not literally but somewhere just like it. So it has an emotional resonance with me. I also like like it beacuse the tangled branches give it a stark feel, its not a 'pretty' landscape, and they make it a more abstract. 'Abstract' to do with or exisiting in theory rather than practice, not concrete, not representational - it's a word that keeps appearing in connection with images I like.
Landscape with barbed wire and telepgraph poles
This inspired me to try converting some of the magic hour photos I wasn't happy with into black and white and then I tried a more sepia look (I am liking black and white more and more - it seems to create more of an atmosphere and mood than colour) -
However, Ralph Meatyard did some other work which is not really my thing:
Christopher with clothesline and rubber chicken
Title unknown
Because I just don't get them I find it hard to start ctitically evaluating these photos. Its something I need to work on - detaching myself from the emotional response to an image and starting to take a more critical view.
Ralph Meatyard images from Masters of Photography:
Ralph Meatyard images from Masters of Photography: